A team from Quantinuum and the University of Freiburg found that quantum computers outperform classical for a workhorse calculation often used in accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.
Quantinuum’s Ifan Williams worked with the University of Freiburg’s Mathieu Pellen to tackle a pernicious problem in accelerator physics: calculating “cross sections”. Together, they developed a general, scalable approach to calculating cross sections that offers a quadratic speed-up compared to its classical counterpart.
A “cross-section” relates to the probability of a certain interaction happening. Scientists who do experiments in particle accelerators compare real measurements with theoretical cross-section calculations (predictions), using the agreement (or disagreement) to reason about the nature of our universe.
Generally, scientists run Monte Carlo simulations to make their theoretical predictions. Monte Carlo simulations are currently the biggest computational bottleneck in experimental high-energy physics (HEP), costing enormous CPU resources, which will only grow larger as new experiments come online.
It’s hard to put a specific number on exactly how costly calculations like this are, but we can say that probing fundamental physics at the LHC probably uses roughly 10 billion CPUH/year for data treatment, simulations, and theory predictions. Knowing that the theory predictions represent approximately 15-25% of this total, putting even a 10% dent in this number would be a massive change.
The collaborators used Quantinuum’s Quantum Monte Carlo integration (QMCI) engine to solve the same problem. Their work is the first published general methodology for performing cross-section calculations in HEP using quantum integration.
Importantly, the team’s methodology is potentially extendable to the problem sizes needed for real-world HEP cross-section calculations (currently done classically). Overall, this work establishes a solid foundation for performing such computations on a quantum computer in the future.
The Large Hadron Collider, the world’s biggest particle accelerator, generates a billion collisions each second, far more data than can be computationally analyzed. Planned future experiments are expected to generate even more. Quantum computers are also accelerating. Quantinuum’s latest H2 System became the highest performing commercially available system in the world when it was launched. When it was upgraded in 2024, it became the first quantum computer that cannot be exactly simulated by any classical computer. Our next generation Helios, on schedule to launch in 2025, will encode at least a trillion times more information than the H2—this is the power of exponential growth.
We can’t wait to see what’s next with quantum computing and high-energy physics.