Spreading the Word About Quantum Computing

July 6, 2022
Mark Jackson
Senior Quantum Evangelist

Mark Jackson is a man on a mission. As Quantinuum’s senior quantum evangelist, Mark’s job is to create awareness and understanding about quantum computing and its world-changing potential. Based in New York, Mark holds a Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Columbia University with a background in mathematical modeling and computational physics. In 2017 he joined Cambridge Quantum, which combined with Honeywell Quantum Solutions to form Quantinuum in 2021. He has an academic background and remains an adjunct faculty member at Singularity University. He sat down earlier this month to talk about his unique job and the future of quantum computing. 

Senior Quantum Evangelist is such a unique title. What does your job entail? 

A lot of my job is speaking at conferences, doing interviews, participating in podcasts, and posting on social media. I focus on creating awareness and excitement for quantum computing, letting people know what we do at Quantinuum, and educating them about the ways this amazing technology will help solve complex problems and improve people’s lives. 

Most people just don’t know much about quantum computing, or they have misunderstandings or reservations about the technology and its potential impact on society. 

Half the people don’t believe quantum computers really exist yet. They think it’s some sort of science fiction idea that we’ve cooked up and, if it happens at all, it’ll be 20 years from now. They just can’t believe we have these computers today. The other half think quantum computers are just really fast computers. They believe we can take all our existing software and run it on a quantum computer, and it will be a million times faster. Neither is true, and it’s my job to educate people about what quantum computers can actually do to make the world better. 

Over the past few years my role at Quantinuum has evolved a bit, and about a year ago they changed my title to “evangelist.” Technically, I’m now the “senior evangelist” because we recently added several other people to the team, which will help us do an even better job of spreading the word. 

How will the use of quantum computers benefit society?

We anticipate we’re only 3–5 years away from being able to do things on a quantum computer that are truly valuable to society. That time will pass very quickly, which is why we’re encouraging companies to work with us right now to develop projects so that in a few years, when technology catches up, they’ll be in a good position to take advantage of opportunities. 

The two nearest-term commercial applications for quantum computers are in chemistry and optimization, such as supply chain and logistics. 

In chemistry, we have known the equations for 100 years. If you give me a molecule, I know exactly what the molecule is made of — I know how many electrons, protons and neutrons are in it, and I know the equations governing all their interactions. But, solving those equations and actually figuring out the behavior of the molecule is very difficult because, as a molecule gets bigger, there are so many interactions that tracking them quickly overwhelms a conventional computer. Quantum computers are expected to one day solve these chemical equations easier and faster. 

For example, pharmaceutical companies could use this technology to design medicine. Right now, there is a lot of guesswork in developing a drug. Scientists can do a little preliminary work on a computer, but then they must synthesize a lot of trial drugs followed by testing on humans. 

Developing drugs this way is expensive, time consuming, and risky. In general, it takes about 10 years and $1 billion dollars to bring a drug to market. It would be ideal if scientists could do more work on a computer up front, which will save time and money and be less risky for patients. 

Additionally, quantum computing will be invaluable for the machine-learning industry. Artificial intelligence is used everywhere. Your Netflix recommendations use AI machine-learning, and while this may not be lifechanging, advanced autopilot technology on an airplane or in a driverless car will be. Quantum computers one day could have the power, speed, and capacity to take machine-learning to a whole new level. 

How did you end up working for Quantinuum? 

I started hearing about quantum computing in 2017 and thought it sounded amazing. This field of study didn’t even exist when I was a student. 

My background is in theoretical physics. For 15 years I worked in string theory and cosmology. Several years ago, I decided to leave academia and pursue other interests. I was very fortunate to be introduced to Ilyas Khan, founder of Cambridge Quantum and now CEO of Quantinuum, and he asked me to join the team about five years ago.

I was the first American hire at Cambridge Quantum, which was then a small start-up company with only about 30 people. The organization was comprised of all scientists until I joined. I was the first person to be hired whose main objective was business development. 

Why is your job as an evangelist important to Quantinuum? 

We can have the most amazing technology in the world, but if no one knows about it, then it doesn’t do anyone much good. There is a lot of misunderstanding and unfamiliarity that surrounds this industry currently, which is why my job of creating awareness is so important. 

I get to talk to university students and researchers and let them know we have software they can use for free to help them code better. I am very lucky to have an academic background in physics because when I speak at these universities, the professors sometimes let me take over the class for a day. I don’t think they would grant the same access to a salesperson. I love to talk about the cool things we have done and are doing with these students and share ways we can partner and collaborate both now and in the future.

We want to build our hiring pipeline with the smartest and most creative young minds available. Hiring is a top priority, and job candidates may not know there are such amazing job opportunities at Quantinuum and throughout this exciting industry.  

How has the industry changed in the last five years? 

When I started, there were 8–10 credible quantum computing startups, including us. We were all pretty small with just a few dozen employees at the time. 

Now, it seems like there’s a new company forming, a new investment, or a technical breakthrough in hardware or software every week. There are quantum information sciences degrees and programs in college now including quantum computing and closely related sciences. It’s dizzying to keep up with everything. 

Today, there are roughly 400 quantum companies, building quantum products all over the world. Companies are also increasing in size. Our company currently has 400 employees, but we’re hiring like crazy and anticipate adding 200 people in 2022. 

The U.S. government also is investing. During the last administration, they had a Quantum Initiative Act (QIA) where $1.2 billion was allocated for quantum funding. Other countries also are investing. China, for example, has spent at least $30 billion in quantum technology over the last few years.

About Quantinuum

Quantinuum, the world’s largest integrated quantum company, pioneers powerful quantum computers and advanced software solutions. Quantinuum’s technology drives breakthroughs in materials discovery, cybersecurity, and next-gen quantum AI. With over 500 employees, including 370+ scientists and engineers, Quantinuum leads the quantum computing revolution across continents. 

September 20, 2024
Quantinuum achieves moonshot years ahead of schedule, demonstrating fault-tolerant high-fidelity teleportation of a logical qubit

While it sounds like a gadget from Star Trek, teleportation is real – and it is happening at Quantinuum. In a new paper published in Science, our researchers moved a quantum state from one place to another without physically moving it through space - and they accomplished this feat with fault-tolerance and excellent fidelity. This is an important milestone for the whole quantum computing community and the latest example of Quantinuum achieving critical milestones years ahead of expectations. 

While it seems exotic, teleportation is a critical piece of technology needed for full scale fault-tolerant quantum computing, and it is used widely in algorithm and architecture design. In addition to being essential on its own, teleportation has historically been used to demonstrate a high level of system maturity. The protocol requires multiple qubits, high-fidelity state-preparation, single-qubit operations, entangling operations, mid-circuit measurement, and conditional operations, making it an excellent system-level benchmark.

Our team was motivated to do this work by the US Government Intelligence Advance Research Projects Activity (IARPA), who set a challenge to perform high fidelity teleportation with the goal of advancing the state of science in universal fault-tolerant quantum computing. IARPA further specified that the entanglement and teleportation protocols must also maintain fault-tolerance, a key property that keeps errors local and correctable. 

These ambitious goals required developing highly complex systems, protocols, and other infrastructure to enable exquisite control and operation of quantum-mechanical hardware. We are proud to have accomplished these goals ahead of schedule, demonstrating the flexibility, performance, and power of Quantinuum’s Quantum Charge Coupled Device (QCCD) architecture.

Quantinuum’s demonstration marks the first time that an arbitrary quantum state has been teleported at the logical level (using a quantum error correcting code). This means that instead of teleporting the quantum state of a single physical qubit we have teleported the quantum information encoded in an entangled set of physical qubits, known as a logical qubit. In other words, the collective state of a bunch of qubits is teleported from one set of physical qubits to another set of physical qubits. This is, in a sense, a lot closer to what you see in Star Trek – they teleport the state of a big collection of atoms at once. Except for the small detail of coming up with a pile of matter with which to reconstruct a human body...

This is also the first demonstration of a fully fault-tolerant version of the state teleportation circuit using real-time quantum error correction (QEC), decoding mid-circuit measurement of syndromes and implementing corrections during the protocol. It is critical for computers to be able to catch and correct any errors that happen along the way, and this is not something other groups have managed to do in any robust sense. In addition, our team achieved the result with high fidelity (97.5%±0.2%), providing a powerful demonstration of the quality of our H2 quantum processor, Powered by Honeywell.

Our team also tried several variations of logical teleportation circuits, using both transversal gates and lattice surgery protocols, thanks to the flexibility of our QCCD architecture. This marks the first demonstration of lattice surgery performed on a QEC code.

Lattice surgery is a strategy for implementing logical gates that requires only 2D nearest-neighbor interactions, making it especially useful for architectures whose qubit locations are fixed, such as superconducting architectures. QCCD and other technologies that do not have fixed qubit positioning might employ this method, another method, or some mixture. We are fortunate that our QCCD architecture allows us to explore the use of different logical gating options so that we can optimize our choices for experimental realities.

While the teleportation demonstration is the big result, sometimes it is the behind-the-scenes technology advancements that make the big differences. The experiments in this paper were designed at the logical level using an internally developed logical-level programming language dubbed Simple Logical Representation (SLR). This is yet another marker of our system’s maturity – we are no longer programming at the physical level but have instead moved up one “layer of abstraction”. Someday, all quantum algorithms will need to be run on the logical level with rounds of quantum error correction. This is a markedly different state than most present experiments, which are run on the physical level without quantum error correction. It is also worth noting that these results were generated using the software stack available to any user of Quantinuum’s H-Series quantum computers, and these experiments were run alongside customer jobs – underlining that these results are commercial performance, not hero data on a bespoke system.

Ironically, a key element in this work is our ability to move our qubits through space the “normal” way - this capacity gives us all-to-all connectivity, which was essential for some of the QEC protocols used in the complex task of fault-tolerant logical teleportation. We recently demonstrated solutions to the sorting problem and wiring problem in a new 2D grid trap, which will be essential as we scale up our devices.

September 18, 2024
“Talking quantum circuits”
The central question that pre-occupies our team has been:

“How can quantum structures and quantum computers contribute to the effectiveness of AI?”

In previous work we have made notable advances in answering this question, and this article is based on our most recent work in the new papers [arXiv:2406.17583, arXiv:2408.06061], and most notably the experiment in [arXiv:2409.08777].

This article is one of a series that we will be publishing alongside further advances – advances that are accelerated by access to the most powerful quantum computers available.

Large language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT are having an impact on society across many walks of life. However, as users have become more familiar with this new technology, they have also become increasingly aware of deep-seated and systemic problems that come with AI systems built around LLM’s.

The primary problem with LLMs is that nobody knows how they work - as inscrutable “black boxes” they aren’t “interpretable”, meaning we can’t reliably or efficiently control or predict their behavior. This is unacceptable in many situations. In addition, Modern LLMs are incredibly expensive to build and run, costing serious – and potentially unsustainable –amounts of power to train and use. This is why more and more organizations, governments, and regulators are insisting on solutions.  

But how can we find these solutions, when we don’t fully understand what we are dealing with now?1

At Quantinuum, we have been working on natural language processing (NLP) using quantum computers for some time now. We are excited to have recently carried out experiments [arXiv: 2409.08777] which demonstrate not only how it is possible to train a model for a quantum computer in a scalable manner, but also how to do this in a way that is interpretable for us. Moreover, we have promising theoretical indications of the usefulness of quantum computers for interpretable NLP [arXiv:2408.06061].

In order to better understand why this could be the case, one needs to understand the ways in which meanings compose together throughout a story or narrative. Our work towards capturing them in a new model of language, which we call DisCoCirc, is reported on extensively in this previous blog post from 2023.

In new work referred to in this article, we embrace “compositional interpretability” as proposed in [arXiv:2406.17583] as a solution to the problems that plague current AI. In brief, compositional interpretability boils down to being able to assign a human friendly meaning, such as natural language, to the components of a model, and then being able to understand how they fit together2.

A problem currently inherent to quantum machine learning is that of being able to train at scale. We avoid this by making use of “compositional generalization”. This means we train small, on classical computers, and then at test time evaluate much larger examples on a quantum computer. There now exist quantum computers which are impossible to simulate classically. To train models for such computers, it seems that compositional generalization currently provides the only credible path.

1. Text as circuits

DisCoCirc is a circuit-based model for natural language that turns arbitrary text into “text circuits” [arXiv:1904.03478, arXiv:2301.10595, arXiv:2311.17892]. When we say that arbitrary text becomes ‘text-circuits’ we are converting the lines of text, which live in one dimension, into text-circuits which live in two-dimensions. These dimensions are the entities of the text versus the events in time.

To see how that works, consider the following story. In the beginning there is Alex and Beau. Alex meets Beau. Later, Chris shows up, and Beau marries Chris. Alex then kicks Beau.

The content of this story can be represented as the following circuit:

Figure 1. A text circuit for a simple story, involving three actors Alex, Beau andChris, who have a number of interactions with one another, making up a story –the circuit is to be read from top to bottom.
2. From text circuits to quantum circuits

Such a text circuit represents how the ‘actors’ in it interact with each other, and how their states evolve by doing so. Initially, we know nothing about Alex and Beau. Once Alex meets Beau, we know something about Alex and Beau’s interaction, then Beau marries Chris, and then Alex kicks Beau, so we know quite a bit more about all three, and in particular, how they relate to each other.

Let’s now take those circuits to be quantum circuits.

In the last section we will elaborate more why this could be a very good choice. For now it’s ok to understand that we simply follow the current paradigm of using vectors for meanings, in exactly the same way that this works in LLMs. Moreover, if we then also want to faithfully represent the compositional structure in language3, we can rely on theorem 5.49 from our book Picturing Quantum Processes, which informally can be stated as follows:

If the manner in which meanings of words (represented by vectors) compose obeys linguistic structure, then those vectors compose in exactly the same way as quantum systems compose.4

In short, a quantum implementation enables us to embrace compositional interpretability, as defined in our recent paper [arXiv:2406.17583].

3. Text circuits on our quantum computer

So, what have we done? And what does it mean?

We implemented a “question-answering” experiment on our Quantinuum quantum computers, for text circuits as described above. We know from our new paper [arXiv:2408.06061] that this is very hard to do on a classical computer due to the fact that as the size of the texts get bigger they very quickly become unrealistic to even try to do this on a classical computer, however powerful it might be. This is worth emphasizing. The experiment we have completed would scale exponentially using classical computers – to the point where the approach becomes intractable.

The experiment consisted of teaching (or training) the quantum computer to answer a question about a story, where both the story and question are presented as text-circuits. To test our model, we created longer stories in the same style as those used in training and questioned these. In our experiment, our stories were about people moving around, and we questioned the quantum computer about who was moving in the same direction at the end of the stories. A harder alternative one could imagine, would be having a murder mystery story and then asking the computer who was the murderer.

And remember - the training in our experiment constitutes the assigning of quantum states and gates to words that occur in the text.

Figure 2. The question-answering task for the language of text circuits as implementable on a quantum computer from [arXiv: 2409.08777]. Above the dotted line is the text we consider. Below are upside-down text circuits which constitute the question we ask. The boxes with words are parameterized as quantum gates. The diagram on the left constitutes one possible answer to the question, and the one on the right the other. Can you figure out what the text is and what the questions are?
4. Compositional generalization

The major reason for our excitement is that the training of our circuits enjoys compositional generalization. That is, we can do the training on small-scale ordinary computers, and do the testing, or asking the important questions, on quantum computers that can operate in ways not possible classically. Figure 4 shows how, despite only being trained on stories with up to 8 actors, the test accuracy remains high, even for much longer stories involving up to 30 actors.

Training large circuits directly in quantum machine learning, leads to difficulties which in many cases undo the potential advantage. Critically - compositional generalization allows us to bypass these issues.

Figure 3. A simplified plot from [arXiv:2409.08777] showing that increasing the sizes of circuits when testing doesn’t affect the accuracy, after training small-scale on ordinary computers. The number of actors correlates with the text size. H1-1 is the name of the Quantinuum quantum computer that was used.
5. Real-world comparison: ChatGPT

We can compare the results of our experiment on a quantum computer, to the success of a classical LLM ChatGPT (GPT-4) when asked the same questions.

What we are considering here is a story about a collection of characters that walk in a number of different directions, and sometimes follow each other. These are just some initial test examples, but it does show that this kind of reasoning is not particularly easy for LLMs.

The input to ChatGPT was:

What we got from ChatGPT:

Can you see where ChatGPT went wrong?

ChatGPT’s score (in terms of accuracy) oscillated around 50% (equivalent to random guessing). Our text circuits consistently outperformed ChatGPT on these tasks. Future work in this area would involve looking at prompt engineering – for example how the phrasing of the instructions can affect the output, and therefore the overall score.

Of course, we note that ChatGPT and other LLM’s will issue new versions that may or may not be marginally better with ‘question-answering’ tasks, and we also note that our own work may become far more effective as quantum computers rapidly become more powerful.

6. What’s next?

We have now turned our attention to work that will show that using vectors to represent meaning and requiring compositional interpretability for natural language takes us mathematically natively into the quantum formalism. This does not mean that there doesn't exist an efficient classical method for solving specific tasks, and it may be hard to prove traditional hardness results whenever there is some machine learning involved. This could be something we might have to come to terms with, just as in classical machine learning.

At Quantinuum we possess the most powerful quantum computers currently available. Our recently published roadmap is going to deliver more computationally powerful quantum computers in the short and medium term, as we extend our lead and push towards universal, fault tolerant quantum computers by the end of the decade. We expect to show even better (and larger scale) results when implementing our work on those machines. In short, we foresee a period of rapid innovation as powerful quantum computers that cannot be classically simulated become more readily available. This will likely be disruptive, as more and more use cases, including ones that we might not be currently thinking about, come into play.

Interestingly and intriguingly, we are also pioneering the use of powerful quantum computers in a hybrid system that has been described as a ‘quantum supercomputer’ where quantum computers, HPC and AI work together in an integrated fashion and look forward to using these systems to advance our work in language processing that can help solve the problem with LLM’s that we highlighted at the start of this article. 

1 And where do we go next, when we don’t even understand what we are dealing with now? On previous occasions in the history of science and technology, when efficient models without a clear interpretation have been developed, such as the Babylonian lunar theory or Ptolemy’s model of epicycles, these initially highly successful technologies vanished, making way for something else.

2 Note that our conception of compositionality is more general than the usual one adopted in linguistics, which is due to Frege. A discussion can be found in [arXiv: 2110.05327].

3 For example, using pregroups here as linguistic structure, which are the cups and caps of PQP.

4 That is, using the tensor product of the corresponding vector spaces.
